Plan Commission

Planning Commission meetings are held on the first Monday of each month, starting at 6:00 p.m. in the Municipal Building W9641 State Road 96, Dale, WI 54931, provided there are agenda items.

The Planning Commission reviews and makes recommendations for all land divisions such as Certified Survey Maps (CSM) and Plats. If you have questions on dividing your land the Planning Commission recommends that you call to be added to an agenda and present your ideas before beginning work with a surveyor.

Final reviews for CSM and Plats require maps, applicable fees and paperwork be submitted 10 days prior to the meeting. Please contact the Town Clerk at (920) 779-4609 if you would like to be added to the agenda.

Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Planning committee to explore the future options available to the residents of the Town of Dale so that we may grow in an orderly manner while retaining our rural character.


The Planning Commission is a seven member board. Current members are:


Doug Wunderlich

Phone: (920) 850-8508


Chad Degal

Phone: (920) 213-5324


Matt Reider


Sandy Gadamus

Phone: (920) 850-4910


Joe Hicks


Tavia Hopfensperger


Tom Muza

The Town board of the Town of Dale, at the 1998 Annual Meeting, authorized the formation of the Foresight Committee. The committee was granted the authority to prepare a Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the Town of Dale. In 2000 , the Town employed Community Development Systems to assist the Committee in formatting the plan according to the State of Wisconsin Smart Growth Legislation.

The objective of the Town Board and the Foresight Committee was to develop a Comprehensive Plan for the Town of Dale, as required by Comprehensive Planning legislation under Wisconsin Statute Statues 66.0295 enacted in October of 1999.

Each of the elements of the legislation has been analyze as to its application within the Town of Dale. The Smart Growth Legislation, results form a Town of Dale written survey, and public meetings provided the basis for writing the Town of Dale Comprehensive Plan

The purpose of the Comprehensive Plan is to serve as a guide for both public and private decisions regarding the future land use and growth of the Town of Dale.

In 2001 the Foresight Committee was replaced with the Town Planning Commission. This Commission implemented the Comprehensive Plan as directed by the Town Board. They review all Certified Survey Maps and Plats. The Planning Commission also conducts the required reviews of the Comprehensive Plan.